Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Crib Springs Repurposed

When our two year old was a baby, we had a crib donated to us, since his big sister was still in her crib.We moved it across country and into two or three different bedrooms, and you guessed it, it got a lot of wear.

The other day, I heard him calling "I broked it!" from his bedroom. Sure enough, the side rail had popped out and the whole bed was wigglier then ever.

We decided it was high time that white crib retired. My husband tore it apart and hauled it out piece by piece. 
Then I saw it. The metal spring "matress box" leaning against the wall. I knew exactly where that thing needed to go next. It hadn't breathed its last after all.
Our apartment dates back to the 1700s. There are no closets, but plenty of 'hat racks' on the walls. 


That metal frame would be PERFECT for hanging clothing on! So I popped it on the hat rack hooks in Kobe's room and I did a happy dance!

It works perfectly! I'm considering spray painting it yet....but for now, it is living its second life very well!
I'm thinking of all kinds of fun things I could use it for! A craft caddy hanger, a greenery support suspended from the ceiling, a scarf rack, even a pot n pan rack in the kitchen. 
                                                                      Any other ideas? :)

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