You know how those fluffy dryer sheets are constantly floating around on wash day? I'm usually in a hurry when I grab clothes out of the dryer. By the end of the week, my laundry floor has old dryer sheets hiding in all kinds of unlikely places.
But I just can't do without them. I hate static even worse then old dryer sheets. Not to mention that electrical shock that follows you everywhere. It is plain misery.
Oh! And the cost.... Cheap brands and I don't get along too well when it comes to these little scraps of magic. I shell out the big bucks when it comes to fabric sheets.
I stumbled across this idea one day and I have been thrilled ever since!
All you need is smallish sponges, fabric softener, water, and an air tight container.
These are the sponges I use.
Bright. Inexpensive. Great size.
Mix together your favorite fabric softener with tap water. To be honest, I don't have an exact measurement for you here. I started with about half fabric softener and half water, but have cut way back on my fabric softener with great results. Depending on what size cap and brand of softener you have , you may need to experiment a bit. I usually use approximately one cap full of fabric softener to 4-6 cups of water. Often, it's more like a pour of fabric softener into my little pail of water :)
Throw in your sponges.
Congrats! You have dryer sheets. Just give them a bit of squeeze after they are nice and soaky wet, toss them into your dryer, and you're good to go. They come out looking like prunes, but hey...throw them back in your bucket and their transformation will begin. Ready for round two :)
Be sure you've got a good tight lid for your container. I use a little empty ice cream bucket from our favorite local creamery.
Enjoy your dryer sheet free laundry floor :)